News & Events

Driving Data Interoperability for Enhanced Data Exchange in SEDIMARK

Data interoperability refers to the functionality of information systems to exchange data and enable information sharing.  More specifically, itis defined as the ability of systems and services that create, exchange, and consume data to have clear, shared expectations for the format, contents, context, and meaning of that data. Thus, it allows to access and process […]

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SEDIMARK participates in workshop on ‘Tech Adoption Scenarios and Data AI 2030’

This week, SEDIMARK participated in the workshop on ‘Tech Adoption Scenarios and Data AI 2030’ that was organised by the LeADS project (Leading Europe’s Advanced Digital Skills), which is a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) funded by the Digital Europe Programme, and among other objectives, it aims to provide guidance for the deployment of the DIGITAL […]

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Proactive management of Water, Energy and Gas infrastructures with ARTEMIS

ARTEMIS is the product of WINGS that is oriented to the proactive management of water, energy, gas infrastructures. Based on the WINGS approach, it combines advanced technologies (IoT, AI, advanced networks and visualizations) with domain knowledge, to address diverse use cases. Being a management system it delivers the following functionalities. Commercial traction has been achieved, […]

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D6.2 Dissemination and exploitation plan

This document is a deliverable of the SEDIMARK project, funded by the European Commission under its Horizon Europe Framework Programme. This document presents the “D6.2 Dissemination and exploitation plan” deliverable, including the expected impact of the ongoing and planned activities, target audience, milestones, and mechanisms to assess the dissemination and exploitation activities carried out throughout […]

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D1.2 Data Management Action Plan. First version

SEDIMARK knows the importance of regulating data management issues within a context such as the one posed by the project. A solution will be considered where consortium partners will deposit all underlying information on data-related business processes (data storage, data provisioning, processing etc.) of the SEDIMARK solution clearly and transparently. The purpose of the Data […]

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The letter D in SEDIMARK

As the name suggest, SEDIMARK will be a Data and Service marketplace. But SEDIMARK focus is not only on data and services assets: Decentralisation also play a key role… D as Decentralisation The decentralisation allows to stay away from a single and central authority for control and decision-making, instead it enables the interactions directly among […]

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SEDIMARK focuses on Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning to ensure data quality

Machine Learning introduction Machine Learning (ML) is a modern and efficient branch of AI (Artificial Intelligence), specialised in pattern recognition within data streams. It can provide precise analysis based on statistics to detect insights from a large data set, using the same principle as human neural networks in our brain. Every system equipped with ML […]

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Applications of the Digital Twin architecture

A digital twin is at the highest level, an architectural construct that is enabled by a combination of technology streams such as IoT (Internet of Things), Cloud Computing, Edge Computing, Fog Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Machine Learning, and Big Data Analytics. The concept of a Digital Twin is based on the fact that every physical […]

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SEDIMARK in "Jornada Movilidad Sostenible en Cantabria"

SEDIMARK has been present today in the sustainable mobility event with the participation of @unican and Ayuntamiento de Santander, highlighting the importance of fostering the usage of environmental-friendly mobility solutions, like biking, core part of one of our use cases. More information about the event in

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