SEcure Decentralised Intelligent Data MARKetplace

SEDIMARK aims at designing and prototyping a secure decentralised and intelligent data and services marketplace that bridges remote data platforms and allows the efficient and privacy-preserving sharing of vast amounts of heterogeneus, high quality, certified data and services supporting the common EU data spaces.

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12 Partners

8 Countries

4 Use Cases


Mobility Digital Twin

Mobility Digital Twin

Ruban bike mobility planning

Urban bike mobility planning

Valorisation energy consumption data

Valorisation of energy consumption data

Valorisation water consumption data

Valorisation of water-related data


SEDIMARK & Eclipse Foundation meeting on Data Spaces @ UC

Last Thursday, we had the pleasure of hosting Javier Valiño, Program Manager of the Data Space Working Group (Data Space WG) from the Eclipse Foundation, at Universidad de Cantabria. During the meeting, Javier presented the latest advancements made by the Data Space WG. Their mission is to promote the global use of dataspace technologies, supporting […]

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Enhancing Data Interoperability and Quality with Data Formatter and Mapper

In the modern era of big data, the challenge of integrating and analyzing data from various sources has become increasingly complex. Different data providers often use diverse formats and structures, leading to significant challenges in achieving data interoperability. This complexity necessitates robust mechanisms to convert and harmonize data, ensuring they can be effectively used for […]

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The letter S in SEDIMARK

The first letter in SEDIMARK stands for Secure. How does Security is involved into SEDIMARK? In this blog post we will present an overview of the Security and Trust Domain within SEDIMARK! Nowadays, the proliferation of large amount of data requires to ensure the security and integrity of the information exchanged. In the traditional way, […]

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SEDIMARK is a proud member of the ICT4WATER Clúster. ICT tools at the service of the environment and responsible water consumption.
