Dataset Recommender: The Power of High-Quality Metadata

SEDIMARK · September 25, 2024
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In today’s data-driven world, finding relevant datasets is crucial for researchers, data scientists and businesses. This has led to the development of dataset recommendation systems. Similarly, as the movie recommendation system used by Netflix guiding users to discover the most relevant movies, the dataset recommender system aims to guide users to navigate this complex landscape of dataset discovery efficiently. 

Recommender systems learn to analyse user behaviour to make intelligent suggestions. This can be achieved with a variety of techniques, ranging from content-based filtering approaches that focus on the item descriptions and recommend similar items to those that the user has previously interacted with; through collaborative filtering approaches that recommend items based on interactions of similar users; to hybrid approaches combining the content and collaborative filtering. 

High-quality recommender systems provide many benefits to users such as efficiency by automating the search for relevant items, personalisation improving user satisfaction and enhanced discovery exposing users to items they may not be aware of.

It is clear that an efficient recommender system has many advantages in various domains and dataset recommendation is no different. However, with the exponential growth of data, often residing at various locations, finding the right dataset for a specific task or project has become increasingly challenging [1]. Moreover, numerous datasets lack high-quality descriptions making the discovery even harder [2]. This is particularly important for content-based recommender systems as they rely on high-quality metadata. Therefore insufficient dataset metadata information brings challenges associated with effective dataset recommendations, as high-quality recommendations rely on high-quality metadata information. 

In SEDIMARK, we aim to address the challenge of poor quality metadata in dataset recommendation with the development of novel techniques for dataset metadata enrichment. With automatic and efficient metadata enrichment, SEDIMARK can improve the overall user experience and dataset discoverability and drive better decision-making for the future.

[1] Chapman, Adriane, et al. "Dataset search: a survey." The VLDB Journal 29.1 (2020): 251-272.

[2] Reis, Juan Ribeiro, Flavia Bernadini, and Jose Viterbo. "A new approach for assessing metadata completeness in open data portals." International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR) 18.1 (2022): 1-20.

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