As the name suggest, SEDIMARK will be a Data and Service marketplace. But SEDIMARK focus is not only on data and services assets: Decentralisation also play a key role…

D as Decentralisation

The decentralisation allows to stay away from a single and central authority for control and decision-making, instead it enables the interactions directly among multiple independent parties.

There are several perks in a decentralised system:

  • Reduced Weakness: relying too much on one entity can lead to systemic failures. Multiple entities shield from unfortunate events.
  • Optimization of resources: in a decentralized system, the resources available can be spread among multiple entities to provide better services.
  • Security and Trust: in a decentralized network, security and trust is a must pre-condition.

SEDIMARK Marketplace achieves the security and trust thanks to Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT).

D as DLT

A DLT is a network composed of several nodes that independently replicate, share, and synchronize the same data spread across many different physical locations without a central administrator.

The most famous example is the Blockchain, today largely employed for financial transactions with bitcoin crypto-currency. However, the SEDIMARK decentralised architecture will be based on a different DLT, that is the IOTA Tangle designed and deployed by the IOTA Foundation. The IOTA Tangle is an open, feeless and highly scalable distributed ledger, designed to support both data and value transfer with a green fashion.

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* Source image: shutterstock

A digital twin is at the highest level, an architectural construct that is enabled by a combination of technology streams such as IoT (Internet of Things), Cloud Computing, Edge Computing, Fog Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Machine Learning, and Big Data Analytics.

The concept of a Digital Twin is based on the fact that every physical part has a virtual counterpart that is conceptual, structural and functional the same as the physical part. The concept of Digital Twins dates in the 1970s used by NASA in the Apollo 13 mission. Nowadays the Digital Twins are used in various industries, being a key concept in realizing the communication mechanism between the physical and the virtual world by using data.

The primary use case for Digital Twin is asset performance, utilization, and optimization. Digital Twin enables monitoring, diagnosing, and prognostics capabilities for a particular use case.

Some applications for Digital Twin are presented below:

Digital Twin for creating 3D modeling of digital objects from physical objects. This use case is a critical success factor for smart manufacturing initiatives.

Digital Twin is used inside factories to identify symptoms with constant monitoring and finding the root causes of production issues.

In healthcare Digital Twin are used for simulation purposes so doctors can do risky operations first in a simulated environment before doing the operation on a real patient.

Town planners use Digital Twin initiatives by using virtual models to improve the city conditions in a proactive manner. This approach can reduce the complexity and simplify the processes for planners. In conclusion using the Digital Twin architecture can help in a lot of industries making the work easier.

SEDIMARK has been present today in the sustainable mobility event with the participation of @unican and Ayuntamiento de Santander, highlighting the importance of fostering the usage of environmental-friendly mobility solutions, like biking, core part of one of our use cases. More information about the event in

First SEDIMARK deliverable submitted! In this deliverable we present the webpage and other dissemination materials, like our first roll-up. Have a look if you want to know more on how this website has been set up.

This document is Deliverable “D6.1 Project website and dissemination material”, which presents the functional of the official website of the SEDIMARK project. More specifically the document describes the portal website and the implemented features available for the public.
The web portal, which can be publicly accessed at the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) address, has been launched in November 2022. It constitutes one of the most relevant tools in the dissemination and communication activities for the SEDIMARK project.
The website has been designed using WordPress. The website layout presents a project overview, including project objectives, consortium partners, a section for news & events relevant in the field of the project and a download section (including dissemination kit, publications, and deliverables).
The current version of the dissemination website follows the project ́s graphic identity. Additionally, the website follows the European Union (EU) recommendation regarding usability and accessibility and has the EU flag and the Horizon Europe logo and grant agreement (GA) disclaimer.

SEDIMARK attended the EBDVF 22 | Data and AI Event in Prague on the 22nd of November, organized by the BDVA - Big Data Value Association. In his pitch within the "Lessons learnt from Data Platforms projects" session, SEDIMARK's technical leader, Luis Sánchez from Universidad de Cantabria, presented the project goals and ambitions in Data Spaces.

On October 26th - 27th SEDIMARK held its Kick-off meeting at fabulous Magdalena Peninsule in Santander. A great way to devirtualize each other, trigger the technical discussions and enjoy some time together!

During the meeting, we held the initial discussions on the project, setting the ground for the future work to meet the ambitious goals foreseen, including the novel use cases that will be carried out throughout the project's lifetime.

Stay tuned to discover more about our thrilling progress!
