AI-Powered Customer Analysis in SEDIMARK

SEDIMARK · September 22, 2023
AI security customers

MYTILINEOS S.A. participates in SEDIMARK through BU Protergia, the Energy Unit and the largest independent electricity provider in Greece. Protergia has an Applied R&D and Innovation division working on innovative products and services. Two of these products / services are two different AI prediction models which analyze customer sales and behavior at a geospatial level.

The first model tries to predict customer segmentation in different regions via postal code while the second model attempts to quantify customer churn and predict it similarly in different regions via postal code. The results of these are used to manage efficiently business customers by analyzing the complaints in customer support in order to avoid losing existing customers as well as increase the loyalty of already existing customers via informing the local sales network.

The use case as a whole involves a combination of heterogeneous data where interoperability is critically important. The aforementioned AI models will be trained with decentralized data provided by SEDIMARK on the SEDIMARK Marketplace with low latency and under security and privacy preservation.

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